The Best Podcast CTAs to Convert Listeners into Customers

How to Make Effective CTAs for Your Podcast: Turning Listeners into Buyers

If you’ve got a podcast and you’re struggling to see financial returns, this is for you. I’m going to give you some advice on how you can boost your podcast’s return on investment (ROI): Creating effective CTAs (Calls to Action) that convert listeners into buyers. 

The power of a well-placed CTA

Imagine this: you’re a business owner with a decent podcast audience, but despite the numbers, you’re not seeing any ROI. You might feel like giving up, thinking you need tens of thousands of downloads to make any profit. Well, guess what? That’s not true! Let’s debunk that myth and turn your listeners into loyal customers.

Why you need to talk about your products

Many podcasters shy away from promoting their products because they don’t want to come off as salesy. But if you’re not telling your audience about your offers, how will they know to buy? Your podcast listeners are your hottest leads—they tune in every week and trust your voice. Don’t make them play detective to find your services. Just tell them!

When and how to place your CTAs

Timing is everything. Here are two key guidelines:

  1. After the hook point: Never place a CTA before you’ve hooked your listener. The hook point is the moment they decide your episode is worth their time, usually within the first 60-90 seconds. Putting a CTA too early can turn them off.
  2. Consider retention rates: The longer you wait to place your CTA, the fewer people will hear it. Check your episode’s retention rates to decide the optimal placement. For high-retention episodes, you can afford to wait longer.

Crafting your CTA: the PASS framework

Creating a compelling CTA involves more than just asking for a sale. You can use the PASS framework: Problem, Agitate, Solution, Sell the next step.

  1. Problem: Start by addressing a specific problem your listener faces.
  2. Agitate: Highlight how this problem impacts them and why it’s worth solving.
  3. Solution: Introduce your product or service as the solution to this problem.
  4. Sell the next step: Rather than selling the product outright, guide them to the next step, like booking a discovery call or visiting a landing page.

Example CTA

Here’s a sample CTA using the PASS framework:

“Hey listeners, before we dive back into the show, let me ask you something. Are you a business owner who still hasn’t launched your podcast? It’s been on your to-do list for years, but you still haven’t gotten around to learning all the steps to get it off the ground. It’s frustrating to have so much to share but feel stuck at the starting line, isn’t it?

Well, you’re not alone. Many business owners face this exact challenge, but there’s a solution.

Introducing the Podcast Launch Package, where you work with me 1:1 to finally get your voice out there and your podcast launched. We’ll go through every step together, from planning and branding to recording and publishing. You don’t have to do this alone; I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Ready to take the next step? Click the link in the show notes to book a discovery call and see if this is the right fit for you. Don’t let another year go by—let’s start the journey to launching your podcast today!”

If your podcast isn’t generating the revenue you want, it’s time to rethink your approach to CTAs. By addressing your listeners’ problems, agitating those issues, presenting your solution, and guiding them to the next step, you can turn your podcast into a powerful sales tool.

So, are you ready to convert your listeners into buyers? Start implementing these tips in your next episode and watch your ROI grow. Happy podcasting!

And, if you do actually wish to book a Discovery Call with me to discuss how I can support your with the launch or management of your podcast. Simply click here!



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