Why Fortnightly Podcast Episodes Might Be Best For You

Why Fortnightly Podcast Episodes Might Be Best For You

Many aspiring podcasters never hit “record” because they’re overwhelmed by the misconception that they must release episodes weekly. This myth often paralyses potential creators, preventing them from sharing their unique voices and valuable content with the world. The truth is, you don’t need to release episodes every week to have a successful podcast.

Fortnightly episodes can work wonders

When advising my clients, I recommend starting with fortnightly episodes. Here’s why:

  1. Easier to manage: Launching a podcast with fortnightly episodes is less overwhelming. It gives you more time to plan, record, and edit each episode, ensuring you produce high-quality content without burning out.
  1. Find your rhythm: As you get into the groove of podcasting, you might find that you’re able to produce content more efficiently. If this happens and you feel confident about increasing your output, you can always transition to a weekly schedule.
  1. Flexibility: The key is to do what works for you. Podcasting should fit around your lifestyle, not the other way around. If you try a weekly schedule and find it too demanding, it’s perfectly fine to revert to fortnightly episodes. The important thing is to communicate any changes in your schedule to your listeners.

Consistency and value over frequency

Consistency is crucial, but it’s not about how often you publish; it’s about sticking to a regular schedule that your audience can rely on. Whether you choose a weekly or fortnightly schedule, the most important aspect is that you consistently deliver valuable content to your listeners.

Communicate with your audience

Your listeners will appreciate your transparency. If you need to adjust your publishing schedule, just let them know. Being upfront about your availability and any changes to your release schedule helps build trust and keeps your audience engaged.

Your podcast, your rules

Ultimately, your podcast should be a reflection of you and should enhance your life, not control it. By starting with a manageable schedule, you set yourself up for long-term success and enjoyment in your podcasting journey.

Don’t let the myth of weekly episodes deter you from starting your podcast. Begin with fortnightly episodes, find your rhythm, and adjust as needed. Your unique voice and perspective are what make your podcast valuable, not the frequency of your episodes. So go ahead, hit record, and start sharing your story with the world!



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