6. Boost Your Brand by Being a Podcast Guest

Boost Your Brand by Being a Podcast Guest

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Have you ever wondered how being a guest on someone else’s podcast could supercharge your business?

In this episode I talk about the incredible benefits of podcast guest appearances and how they can work wonders for your brand. From expanding your reach and building authority to creating valuable content and improving your SEO, you’ll learn how these guest spots can turn into golden opportunities.

I share actionable tips on pitching yourself effectively, including how to research, personalise your pitch, and offer valuable topics. Plus, discover how to leverage your guest spots to boost your visibility and make meaningful connections. Whether you’re new to podcasting or a seasoned pro, this episode is packed with insights to help you shine as a podcast guest.

Curious about how to craft the perfect pitch? Check out the show notes for a free podcast pitch template that will make your outreach stand out. I’d love to hear how you plan to use these strategies—drop me a message on Instagram @podcast.support.services and let’s connect!

In this episode we cover:

  • Benefits of being a guest on other podcasts
  • Building authority and credibility through guest appearances
  • Expanding your network and creating valuable content
  • SEO benefits and improving online visibility
  • Personalizing and effectively pitching yourself
  • Following submission guidelines and offering valuable topics
  • Promoting the podcast episode through your own channels
  • Being patient and persistent in your outreach

Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

About Podcasting for Business Owners

Are you a business owner longing to share your voice and expertise with the world but unsure where to start? Welcome to “Podcasting for Business Owners,” hosted by Laura McRae, a seasoned podcast consultant with experience helping leaders launch and grow their own shows. My mission is to help business leaders and consultants find their podcasting voice, share their expertise, and build a loyal audience.

In each episode, you’ll discover actionable tips, expert advice, and inspiring stories to guide you through every stage of your podcasting journey. Expect to learn about everything from overcoming public speaking anxieties to mastering technical aspects and strategic growth.

This podcast is tailored for business professionals seeking to expand their influence, connect with a wider audience, and establish themselves as thought leaders. Tune in to “Podcasting for Business Owners” and turn your expertise into a powerful podcast.


This transcript was created using Headliner. It has been copied and pasted but not proofread or edited, so it may contain errors or inaccuracies.

Laura McRae shares tips on being a guest on other people’s podcasts

Laura: Welcome to podcasting for business owners. I’m your host, Laura McRae, a podcast consultant, educator, and self confessed podcast nerd. If you’re thinking of launching a podcast or want to grow the one you have, you’re in the right place. Hold on to your headphones and let’s go. Hello and welcome to another episode of podcasting for business owners. You might already know the power of using podcast as a marketing tool for your business, but have you ever considered the benefits of being a guest on other people’s podcasts? Today I’ll be sharing why pitching yourself as a guest is so important for your business and some tips on how to do it effectively.

Being a guest on a podcast can expand your reach and audience

First, let’s talk about why being a guest on um podcasts can be so impactful. Being a guest on a podcast does wonders for expanding your reach and audience. When you appear on other podcasts, you’re introduced to new audiences who may have never heard of you or your business before. This exposure can help you reach potential customers or clients who are already interested in topics related to your industry. For example, I was recently a guest on a podcast, and after that interview I gained two new one on one podcast launch clients. They heard about me and my services and got in touch after listening to this episode. This is a prime example of how guest appearances can directly lead to business opportunities. When m you guest on reputable podcasts, you’re also building authority and credibility. You’re positioning yourself as a thought leader. Think about it. The podcast host has a regular following, and they’ve specifically asked you to share your expertise on their platform. The listeners already trust the host, so by association they’re more likely to trust you. This trust makes you a, uh, recognised voice in your industry. Consider if you’re a financial consultant appearing on a well known business podcast, the audience begins to see you as a trusted expert in financial planning. They’re more likely to seek you out for advice or hire you for consultations. Beyond authority, podcasting is an excellent way to network with other professionals, industry leaders, and influencers. These connections can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and new opportunities that benefit your business. In episode two, I discussed how some of my clients have maintained relationships with podcast hosts, who later introduced them to others in their network. These introductions have really helped them to grow their network, leading to even more opportunities. Additionally, podcast guest appearances provide content that you can repurpose. You can share the podcast episode on your website, social media, and email newsletters, providing valuable content to your audience while increasing your visibility. Some hosts might even offer the transcript to you, making it even easier to repurpose the content. For instance, after appearing on a podcast, you could share the episode, link on LinkedIn, use quotes from the conversation in your newsletter, and even create a blog post around the topics discussed. This extends the life and reach of your appearance, giving you more mileage from just one single podcast episode. There’s also an SEO benefit to being a guest on a podcast when the host includes links to your website in their show notes. This can improve your search engine rankings. This increased online presence helps drive organic traffic to your website. Imagine you’re a guest on a podcast and that podcast’s website ranks really well in search engines. The backlinks from their site to yours can significantly boost your site’s visibility, leading to more organic traffic and potential clients. Regular appearances on podcasts also help to humanise your brand. By sharing your personality, values and stories, you build a stronger personal connection with your audience. Lets say youre a startup founder who shares the challenges you faced in your entrepreneurial journey on a podcast. This personal touch can resonate with listeners, making them feel more connected to you and your brand. Showcasing your expertise can attract potential leads who resonate with your message. This can lead to increased inquiries, sign ups and sales. For example, if you’re a digital marketing expert and you discuss actionable strategies on a podcast, listeners who find value in your insights are, uh, likely to reach out for your services. And, um, finally, engaging in discussions with other podcast hosts and guests can offer new perspectives and insights. This not only helps you stay updated with industry trends, but also


contributes to your personal and professional growth. For instance, during a podcast interview, you might learn about a new tool or strategy that’s revolutionising your industry. This can inspire you to adopt or adapt it, uh, in your own business, keeping you ahead of the curve.

How to effectively pitch yourself as a guest on a podcast

Now that you understand the benefits of being a guest on a podcast, let’s talk about how to effectively pitch yourself as a guest on a podcast. First things first. Follow submission guidelines. If the podcast has specific guidelines for guest pitches, make sure to follow them closely. For example, if a podcast requires a detailed pitch form, filling it out thoroughly rather than sending a casual email will increase your chances of being considered. Next. And this is so important. Do your homework. It’s important to research and prepare your pitch. Don’t just do the spray and pray approach where you basically just copy and paste an email and send it out to every single podcast you can think of before you hit send on a pitch email. Invest some time in researching the podcast and its host. Understand the show’s format, audience and the types of topics they typically cover. This research is key to demonstrating your genuine interest in their podcast. For instance, if you’re pitching to a health focused podcast, knowing that they frequently cover mental health topics and referencing a specific episode you enjoy will show the host that you’re serious about contributing to their show. Personalise your pitch. Make sure to address the host by name. I get so many people message me and just call me madam or start the email with hey and it’s obvious they have no idea who I am and the email is just a copy and paste these messages for me. They just go straight to delete. Show that you’re familiar with their work and explain why you’d be a great fit for their show. Always pitch a topic and not yourself. Make it easy for the host to say yes to you. If you’re going in there saying I can talk about this, this, and this, you’re making the job easier for them. They might really like you but struggle to think of a topic to talk about with you. But if you go in there with some topics already suggested, then you’re making it easy for them. The host of a podcast wants to know how you can help them and their audience. Suggest a specific, compelling topic that you’re passionate about and knowledgeable in. For instance, instead of just saying I’m a business coach, pitch a topic like how to overcome common entrepreneurial pitfalls in the first year of business. This provides value to the host and aligns with what their audience might be looking for. Keep the pitch concise and focus on the value you’ll bring. Provide a brief synopsis of your background and expertise, focusing on how your knowledge and experience can add value to their podcast and its listeners. For example, something you might want to say with over ten years experience in social media marketing, id love to share actionable strategies on your podcast that can help your audience boost their online presence. This is concise and directly highlights the value you bring. Its not about you puffing your chest up, its about how you can use that experience to help their audience. Show that you understand their audience. Every podcast has a distinct target audience. Reiterate who their listeners are, uh, and explain why you are a relevant choice as a guest. For example, if the podcast caters for young entrepreneurs, something you might want to say is ive worked extensively with startups and can offer insights tailored to early stage business owners, which I believe would resonate well with your audience. Another thing podcasters really love is when you offer to promote the show through your audience too. Therefore, offer to promote the podcast episode. Once its live. This shows that youre committed to making the collaboration beneficial for both parties. Say something like I’ll be happy to promote the episode across my social media platforms and my email list, ensuring it reaches an even wider audience. This kind of commitment is often appreciated by podcast hosts. I know it might be tempting, but a ah thing I wouldn’t do is rush to include a booking link in your first email. I know you want to get that podcast recording booked in your calendar, but don’t send them something like a calendly link in the first email. Its tempting to send a link for a scheduling tool, but its better to wait for a positive response first. Wait for them to say yes. This shows respect for the hosts time and decision making process. And finally, be patient and persistent. If a host initially declines or mentions theyre too busy, it might not be a definite no. Politely ask if you can touch base with them later. If you dont hear back after a few


weeks, a gentle follow up email saying something I wanted to cheque in and see if you had a chance to review my previous email id. Love the opportunity to collaborate when the timing is right. This can keep the door open without being pushy. By leveraging podcast guest appearances, you can significantly boost your brand awareness, credibility and, um, business growth. And with these tips on how to pitch yourself effectively, you’re well on your way to making a meaningful impact as a podcast guest. Remember, by researching the podcast, offering a valuable topic, and emphasising the benefits you bring, you increase your chances of securing a spot on their show.

Free podcast pitch template can help you land guest spots on popular podcasts

Uh, as we wrap up today’s episode, I want to leave you with a valuable resource that can help you with your podcast guest strategy. I’ve created a free podcast pitch template designed to help you pitch yourself effectively and start landing guest spots on popular podcasts. It includes a, uh, customizable email template to ensure you sound polished and professional every time, a canva template for creating eye catching graphics to promote your podcast appearances, and an expert blog post packed with tips on how to pitch like a pro. Imagine sending out a pitch that not only gets noticed, but gets you booked on shows that matter, helping you share your expertise with engaged audiences and expanding your reach. If that sounds like something you need, head to the show notes and download the free podcast pitch template today. I hope you found value in this episode and I look forward to speaking to you again next week. Goodbye. If you found value in this podcast, please leave. A five star rating and a review would be even better. Your support shows that this is a good show, which will attract high profile guests and in turn deliver greater value to you. This podcast is produced and edited by me. Don’t waste your time on editing. Let me help you with your podcast. Cheque out the links in the show notes to get in touch.




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