How to Pitch Yourself as a Podcast Guest and Grow Your Audience

How to Pitch Yourself as a Podcast Guest and Grow Your Audience

Pitching yourself as a guest on a podcast is a fantastic way to promote yourself, your business, and your own podcast. But the big question is: which podcasts should you pitch to?

Here are some steps to help you find out which podcasts your future listeners are tuning into:

1. Visit Rephonic’s website

Head over to Rephonic’s website and use their graph tool. Simply type in the name of your podcast to find other shows with audiences similar to yours. This tool provides a visual representation of the podcast listenership web, making it easier to identify the shows your listeners and future listeners are likely tuning into.

2. Analyse the results

The graph tool helps you see the connections between different podcasts. This way, you can easily spot shows that attract a similar audience. It’s a great way to identify potential podcasts where you could be a guest.

3. Reach out and collaborate

Once you’ve identified similar podcasts, reach out to the creators. Suggest collaborations or podcast swaps. This is an excellent way to introduce yourself to new audiences who are already interested in content like yours.

For those without a podcast

If you don’t have a podcast yet but want to guest on podcasts, simply type in the name of a podcast you know in your niche on Rephonic. It will show you a bunch of related podcasts you might not have heard of before but would be perfect for you to guest on.

Tailor your pitch

When pitching yourself, avoid sending generic emails. Tailor each pitch to the specific podcast. Show that you’ve done your homework and explain why you’d be a great fit for their audience.

Get help with your pitching

If you need assistance with your pitching, download my free Podcast Pitch Template. This template provides all the tools you need to pitch yourself effectively, sound professional, and get noticed by podcast hosts.

Book a Podcast Strategy Sprint

If you need more help or want to brainstorm your podcast ideas, book a 30-minute Podcast Strategy Sprint with me. Whether you’re brimming with ideas but don’t know where to start, or you have a podcast but aren’t seeing the growth you hoped for, the Podcast Strategy Sprint is perfect for you.


Being a podcast guest is a powerful way to grow your audience and establish yourself as an expert in your field. By following these steps and utilising the right tools, you can find the perfect podcasts to pitch to and start making valuable connections.



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