Make your podcast easy with a podcast expert

Are you an expert in your field who wants to elevate your brand and reach your audience in a meaningful way?

Brilliant – you’re in the right place because I’m a podcast expert for Coaches and Consultants.

Hi, I’m Laura

Podcast Manager and passionate supporter of Coaches and Consultants. I’m on a mission to support business owners who inspire me

Step by step, I know exactly what it takes to launch and consistently deliver a successful podcast. Organisation is my superpower and I keep you on track – freeing you up to transform lives and grow your revenue.

“I’ll love your Podcast like it’s my own”

Laura McRae Podcast Expert for Coaches and Consultants
Laura McRae editing a podcast on her laptop sitting at a dining table

I make having a podcast simple. Promise.

You know you need a podcast, but you’re not tech savvy and don’t have time to learn the skills.

Or you have a podcast but you’re struggling to keep on top of everything; editing, show notes, social media, the list goes on.

Hey – you don’t have to do it all. 

Time to let someone else take care of the time-consuming and techy parts of podcasting. Someone who knows what’s needed to start a podcast freeing you up to focus on the parts of the business only you can work on.   

Less stress, more time and freedom to enjoy what you love most about your business.

5 steps to repurposing your podcast episodes

You’re launching a new podcast

It’s time for you to raise your voice and get your podcast out there. Earn that “know, like and trust” from your audience, build your brand and in turn, make more sales through your podcast. Take a look at our packages to see how we can help make launching your podcast stress free.

How much does it cost to start a podcast

You have a podcast and need to outsource some tasks

If you have a podcast already, it’s time to hand over the time-consuming parts so you can concentrate on supporting your clients as you continue to grow and scale your business.

Why you should launch your podcast with a trailer

Need expert guidance for your current podcast?

Have you got a podcast and you’re struggling to achieve growth, increase downloads, or engage your audience effectively? The Podcast Audit provides a comprehensive review of your podcast, including an initial consultation, in-depth analysis, actionable feedback, and post-audit support, all designed to optimise your podcast and help you achieve your goals.



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Podcast Manager Program Certificate
Gayle Wilson's testimonial for Laura McRae
Podcast Manager Academy Certificate

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