Meet Laura

Podcast Management for Coaches and Consultants

Laura McRae Podcast Manager

Hi, I’m Laura, and I’m a podcast lover.

I listen to them whenever I can – driving in the car, out walking and while tackling the housework. My faves are self-development and business and I believe that’s why I attract coaches as clients.

But how did I end up a Podcast Manager?

When I was a VA I had a client who was a coach and I loved working with her. She had a podcast which I knew she wasn’t promoting as well as she could. I wanted to help her with it, but I didn’t feel like I had the skills.

So, I did a podcast management course and I realised I did have most of the skills and experience already, I just didn’t realise it. Successful podcast management is all about organisation. From mixing and scheduling to distribution and marketing, there’s a critical path and processes which I thrive on. 

It’s a dream come true to be able to use my skills and experience to help you elevate your brand. I make podcasting easy which gives you energy to focus on the content and connect with your audience. 

“Do what only you can do and leave the podcast BTS stuff to me.” 

Before Podcast Management

My 20+ year marketing career spans many industries. I’ve developed strong analytical, copywriting, project management, and marketing skills which I now bring to Podcast Support Services. Digital workflows, colour coded spreadsheets and tech tools get me excited. 

In fact, past colleagues, clients and friends will all tell you I’m highly organised and an absolute stickler for detail, deadlines and deliverables. 

Working with Laura is an absolute joy. She is organised, efficient and always willing to go the extra mile to get the job done.

Alice Hennesey

Laura is professional, reliable and well organised. Her calm and collected manner makes her a highly competent team player.

Maria V

Laura McRae Podcast Manager

Small Business Life 

“I can single-handedly give you back HOURS in your business.”

As a small business owner you wear ALL the hats, right?

I started my VA business because I was my husband’s real-life assistant in his tradie business, and I loved the idea of doing the same to support other business owners. 

Once upon a time as a VA, I was happy to take on any task for any kind of business, but as time passed, I wanted to carve out a niche.

And then – BOOM – I discovered podcasts and began working with coaches. The rest, as they say, is history. 

Off grid

I have two young kids, so life is full on and fun.  We love camping and often just head into the bush. After the city lights of London, it’s such a novelty to drive off grid in less than half an hour. I love our camping adventures with a 90s soundtrack  – Blur, The Stone Roses, The Prodigy –  musical education for the kids.  

“We didn’t always have Tik Tok y’know” #mumchat

When I get some ‘me time’, I take a Yoga class or swim in our local outdoor pool. At weekends I catch up with friends at breakfast out somewhere nice. 

3 tips to a successful podcast launch

Something you should know…

If I see a way your podcast and processes can be improved, then I’ll tell you.

I’m committed to making your podcast the best it can be. 

So whether you want to start a podcast or you need support staying consistent with your podcast, I’m here to help.

Yours in Podcast Launch Checklist Heaven

Laura. x

Behind every successful podcast is…. a Laura

Ready to take your message to the masses?

If not now, then when

Ask about my Podcast Management Services 

Podcast Manager Program Certificate
Podcast Manager Academy Certificate

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