Podcasting Made Simple: Penelope Lane’s Success Story

Setting the Stage

In the bustling world of wellness and self-improvement, Penelope Lane had a vision. She wanted to share her knowledge to actively shape the aging process for women over 55 by embracing a lifestyle that exudes vitality, strength, confidence, and calm. But there was a problem: Penelope had never done podcasting before, and the technical parts seemed daunting.

Finding the Right Partner

So, she reached out to me after hearing an interview I did on The Social Circus podcast. From our very first conversation, we knew we would work well together, and we found the perfect partnership to bring her podcast dream to life.

Turning Daunting into Exciting

With my guidance, Penelope dove headfirst into the world of podcasting. Together, we brainstormed ideas, fine-tuned the concept, and mapped out a plan for production. I turned what seemed like a daunting task for Penelope into an exciting adventure.

Penelope Lane

Liberating Time

As the launch date approached, Penelope found herself with newfound freedom. With me handling the technical aspects of production, Penelope had more time to focus on what she loved most: writing, creating, and nurturing her online fitness business.

No-Nonsense Aging Podcast Cover art

The Thrilling Launch

On launch day, excitement filled the air when Penelope woke up to see her first three episodes were out there for the world to hear. With my support, “No-Nonsense Aging” burst onto the podcast scene, captivating listeners with its refreshing perspective on aging and wellness. And in it’s first week hit the Australian Apple Podcast charts at #15 under the “Fitness” category in its first week!

Continued Success

Today, No-Nonsense Aging continues to thrive, thanks to Penelope’s passion and my coordination. Together, we’ve launched a podcast that not only entertains and educates but also inspires listeners to embrace aging with grace, wisdom, and a healthy dose of no-nonsense attitude.

You can listen to Penelope’s podcast here: “No-Nonsense Aging.”

And if you’ve thought about starting your own podcast but popped it in the ‘too hard’ box – let’s talk.

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