How Louise Percy Launched a Successful Podcast on Manners and Etiquette

The vision for “Manners and Other Matters”

When Louise Percy first thought about launching her podcast, “Manners and Other Matters,” she knew it would be the perfect platform to share her deep knowledge of etiquette with the world. However, the thought of working out the technical aspects needed for a polished, professional podcast left her feeling daunted.

Finding the right support

Introduced to me through a mutual friend, Louise was ready to take the plunge but needed a guiding hand. From our very first conversation, I could tell how passionate she was about her message. I knew that with the right support, she could bring her vision to life in a way that truly reflected her expertise.

Transforming ideas into reality

Together, we began the journey of transforming her ideas into reality. I provided her with the knowledge and tools she needed, from understanding podcasting technology to selecting the right equipment and recording environment. Louise appreciated this hands-on approach, noting,

Louise Percy

Focusing on what matters most

As Louise became more comfortable with the recording process, I took on the responsibility of editing and managing her episodes. This allowed her to focus solely on content creation, something she had always wanted.

Strategic planning for podcast success

Our regular strategy calls have become an essential part of her podcast’s success. During these sessions, we align her episode topics with the marketing goals of her business, ensuring that her podcast serves as a powerful tool for reaching her audience. Louise highlights the importance of these calls:

Louise Percy Podcast Cover Art: Manners and Other Matters

“Our regular strategy calls are vital for me, and in fact, we often determine episode topics which align with the marketing timetable for my business.”

A global audience and industry recognition

The impact of “Manners and Other Matters” has been nothing short of remarkable. Louise’s insightful discussions on manners and etiquette have caught the attention of listeners worldwide, with around 50% of her audience currently tuning in from the USA, even though she’s based in Australia. Her expertise has also led to invitations to appear on national TV, where producers recognised her as a leader in her field after listening to her podcast.

Growing confidence and continued success

As we continue working together, Louise has grown more confident in her role as a podcast host and thought leader.

Laura has been so patient with me during this initial six months of podcasting. She gently guides me when I am feeling ‘stuck’ and, for me, my trust of her guidance is the most important aspect of our working relationship,” she reflects.

Looking forward

Louise’s transformation from a passionate but hesitant podcaster to a recognised authority in her industry is a testament to her dedication and our collaborative efforts. It’s been an absolute privilege to support her on this journey, and I’m excited to see where her podcast will take her next.

You can listen to Louise’s podcast, “Manners and Other Matters” here.

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