How to Ensure Good Quality Audio for your Podcast

3 tips to a successful podcast launch

How to Ensure Good Quality Audio for your Podcast

If you’re thinking about starting a podcast, there’s a few things you should know first.

There’s only so much a Podcast Editor can do to improve the quality of your audio once it reaches them, so it’s best for you to record high quality audio from the start.

Here’s a few recommendations on:

  • Recording environment
  • Headphones
  • Microphones
  • Recording software

Recording Environment

The best place to record a podcast is in a recording studio. They’re built for recording; they’re echo friendly and therefore the best audio will come from recording in a studio. Recording studios can be expensive but if you record a few episodes at once, this will save you some money.

If a recording studio is out of your budget, record in a room with a low ceiling. This prevents the sound from bouncing around and echoing, and echo is difficult to get rid of at the editing stage.

Bedrooms are generally the best rooms to record in as they’re mostly smaller and have carpet and a mattress to absorb the sound.

Record in your wardrobe (if it’s big enough). Your clothes absorb so much sound, making it a great place to record a podcast. But make sure that it’s a comfortable place for you to sit and that you have a mic sitting on a table in the wardrobe with you. You don’t want to be bumping around in your wardrobe, firstly because it’s uncomfortable and secondly, because your mic will pick up on the bumps.

Mic isolation shields (also known as reflection filters) are another option if you can’t fit in your wardrobe. They filter and remove reflections, unwanted noise, and ambient sound.


It’s important that your headphones block out some ambient sound and have a neutral sound profile, ensuring clear dialogue. It’s best to use wired headphones rather than Bluetooth. This is because there can be issues with the Bluetooth connection which can cause audio lag.

Some headphone recommendations are:


It’s important that you use a pop filter on your mic. Pop filters improve the quality of your recordings by reducing popping sounds that occur when recording vocals.

When recording your podcast, it’s best to keep one fist’s distance from the pop filter.

There are dynamic and condenser mics. If you’re recoding in an ideal environment, dynamic mics are the best option. Here are a couple of recommendations:

Recording Software Recommendations

It’s best to record solo episodes straight to your computer. Don’t use Wi-Fi in case you experience Wi-Fi interruptions.

You can record your episodes on either Audacity (for PC users) or GarageBand (for Mac users).

If recording an interview, use Zoom, but make sure you record the audio as two separate audio files.

Final thoughts

Recording your podcast isn’t complicated, but if you want the best quality sound it’s best practice to use the tips mentioned above. If you’d like to know more about my Podcast Management servicec

Recording your podcast isn’t complicated, but if you want the best quality sound it’s best practice to use the tips mentioned above. If you’d like to know more about my Podcast Management service feel free to book in a free 15 minute discovery call.