Launch your podcast with expert guidance and precision

Take your podcast from dream to reality with a comprehensive, step-by-step launch package designed to give you everything you need for a successful podcast debut.

Are you a business owner with a great idea for a podcast but no time or expertise to bring it to life? Our Podcast Launch Package is tailored to take you from concept to launch, ensuring your podcast is polished, professional, and primed for success.

The Podcast Launch Package offers personalised, 1:1 support to help you launch your podcast with confidence and ease. Led by podcast consultant Laura McRae, this package provides a structured plan and hands-on assistance to ensure every aspect of your podcast launch is covered.

Tell me if this is you…

You’re a business owner with a brilliant podcast idea that’s been brewing in your mind for years. You’re passionate and driven, bursting with content and ideas, yet launching your podcast remains an intangible goal, always pushed to the bottom of your never-ending to-do list. You’ve recorded snippets, brainstormed topics, but when it comes to editing, branding, and uploading—those crucial steps to bring your vision to life—you find yourself overwhelmed and uncertain where to start.

You fear that starting a podcast will add to your workload and overwhelm you further. Setting up recording equipment, editing software, and understanding hosting platforms seem daunting and outside your comfort zone. You worry about getting stuck in the technical details and delaying your podcast launch indefinitely.

You want your podcast to reflect your professional standards and brand image. You obsess over every detail—from scripting episodes to selecting the perfect intro music—fearing that anything less than perfect will reflect poorly on your business or personal brand.

You want a podcast that not only attracts listeners but also engages and retains them. You fear launching to crickets, with episodes that fail to resonate or gain traction in your target audience. You worry about creating content that doesn’t connect or provide value.

There’s loads of podcasts out there! You don’t think your podcast would stand a chance in front of the podcasts that are already established in your niche. How can you possible differentiate yourself effectively? You crave strategies to stand out and attract a loyal audience.

You see your podcast as a platform to educate, inspire, and connect with your audience on a deeper level, but you lack the roadmap and support to turn this vision into reality.


If you could finally bring your brilliant podcast idea to life without feeling overwhelmed. Picture dedicating your energy to creating engaging episodes, knowing that the technical details, editing, and uploading are expertly handled. You’d have a clear path forward, freeing up your time to focus on the parts of your business only YOU can do.

Having a step-by-step tech guide that simplifies the setup process, allowing you to avoid late nights troubleshooting audio issues. This means more quality time with your family, and less stress about the technical side of podcasting.

Your podcast reflecting your professional standards and brand image perfectly. Every detail, from scripting to intro music, crafted, ensuring you sound polished and professional. You’d no longer fear that imperfections will tarnish your reputation.

Launching your podcast and immediately connecting with your target audience. Your episodes resonate, engage, and retain listeners, building a loyal following. No more worrying about launching to crickets or creating content that falls flat.

Standing out in a crowded podcasting landscape. With tailored strategies, your podcast would differentiate itself from established ones in your niche, attracting a dedicated audience. You’d be recognised as a thought leader, boosting your credibility and opening doors to speaking engagements, collaborations, and business growth.

Sharing your passion, stories, and knowledge seamlessly. Your podcast is a platform to educate, inspire, and connect with your audience on a deeper level. All the logistical headaches are taken care of, allowing you to make a greater impact.

Laura McRae Podcast Manager

Podcast Launch Package breakdown:

1. Initial strategy and onboarding call

You’ll have a clear, tailored roadmap from the start, ensuring every step aligns with your vision and goals, setting you up for a successful launch.

  • Discuss your vision and goals for the podcast.
  • Develop a customised launch plan based on your schedule.

2. Technical setup and guidance

You’ll feel confident in your technical setup, avoiding common pitfalls and ensuring your podcast sounds professional from day one.

  • Guidance with recording space setup, equipment recommendations, and interview tips.
  • PDF handouts and templates for writing your intro, outro, trailer, and show descriptions.

3. Workflow and organisation

You’ll have a seamless workflow that keeps everything organised, making the production process smooth and efficient.

  • Setup of Trello workflow and organised Google Drive folder for all podcast assets.
  • Creation of a podcast launch plan, outlining every step.

4. Podcast production services

You’ll have a polished, professional podcast with compelling visuals and audio, enhancing your brand image.

  • Design of podcast artwork.
  • Setup of your hosting site.
  • Editing and mixing of your trailer, intro, and outro with music integration.

5. Episode production and launch

You’ll launch with high-quality content that captivates your audience, boosts engagement, and ensures your podcast is accessible on all major platforms.

  • Editing and production of your first three episodes (up to 45 minutes each).
  • Writing of show notes and episode descriptions.
  • Creation of promotional audiograms or short videos.
  • Submission of your podcast to major platforms like Apple and Spotify.

6. Ongoing support

You’ll have expert support every step of the way, keeping you on track and confident as you launch your podcast.

  • Continuous support via email and Voxer.
  • Guidance and accountability throughout the entire launch process.

Package duration and flexibility

You’ll have a flexible timeline that works with your schedule, ensuring a stress-free and efficient launch process.

  • The podcast launch process takes up to eight weeks, depending on your availability.
  • Fixed package with options for additional services upon request.

All this for $3,300 AUD

Once you’ve launched your podcast you’ll transition to a podcast management package for a minimum of 3 months.

Want to see if we’re the right fit? Book an obligation free call

Why choose this package?

This package is for business owners who recognise the power of podcasting to grow their brand but need expert assistance to get started. You want to ensure your podcast is professional, engaging, and ready to make an impact from day one. With my structured plan and hands-on support, you’ll be able to launch a podcast that stands out and reaches your desired audience effectively.

Ready to launch your podcast with a bang? Contact me today to get started with the Podcast Launch Package and take the first step towards making your podcasting dreams a reality.

Frequently asked questions


1. What services are included in the Podcast Launch Package?

The Podcast Launch Package includes initial strategy and onboarding calls, assistance with recording space setup and equipment recommendations, PDF handouts and templates for writing intros, outros, trailers, and show descriptions, workflow and organisation setup, podcast artwork design, hosting site setup, editing and mixing of your trailer, intro, and outro, production of your first three episodes, show notes writing, promotional audiograms, and submission to major podcast platforms like Apple and Spotify.

2. How long does it take to launch a podcast with this package?

The podcast launch process takes up to eight weeks, depending on your availability and the time you can dedicate to the project. We work around your schedule to ensure a smooth and timely launch.

3. What if I need additional services beyond what’s included in the package?

We offer the flexibility to add customised services based on your specific needs. During our initial consultation, we can discuss any additional requirements and provide a custom quote for those services.

4. How does the initial strategy and onboarding call work?

The initial strategy and onboarding call is designed to understand your vision and goals for the podcast. We will discuss your target audience, content ideas, and overall strategy to create a customised launch plan that aligns with your objectives.

5. Will I have ongoing support after the podcast is launched?

The Podcast Launch Package primarily focuses on getting your podcast launched. However, we offer additional management packages for ongoing support, which include editing, publishing, and promotional services to keep your podcast running smoothly.

6. Can you help me with podcast promotion?

Yes, the package includes creating promotional audiograms or short-form videos to help you promote your podcast launch. Additionally, we can discuss further promotional strategies during our monthly strategy calls.

7. How do you ensure my podcast will be successful?

Our structured approach and proven strategies are designed to give your podcast the best possible start. By focusing on quality content, professional production, and strategic promotion, we aim to position your podcast for success from day one.

8. What if I’m not tech-savvy? Will I be able to follow along?

Absolutely! We provide clear, easy-to-follow instructions and support throughout the entire process. Our goal is to make the launch as stress-free as possible for you, regardless of your technical expertise.

9. How do you handle the podcast submission process?

We take care of submitting your podcast to all major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. This ensures your podcast is available to a broad audience from the start.

10. Can I choose my own podcast artwork and music?

Yes, while we provide professional design and mixing services, your input is crucial. We’ll work with you to ensure the artwork and music reflect your brand and vision for the podcast.

11. What makes this package different from other podcast launch services?

Our package offers a comprehensive, hands-on approach with personalised support. You’ll work 1:1 with an experienced podcast consultant who has a proven track record of successful podcast launches. We handle all the details, allowing you to focus on creating great content.

12. How do I get started with the Podcast Launch Package?

To get started, contact us to schedule an initial obligation-free call. We’ll discuss your needs, goals, and the details of the package. Once we have a clear understanding of your vision, we’ll create a customised plan and begin the process of launching your podcast.



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