When you set up your hosting platform for your podcast, you’ll be asked to choose at least two categories (depending on your hosting platform). These are the categories that your podcast will be listed under in platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Examples are Business, Health, Spirituality etc.
Category Archives: Podcast Management
Use your podcast to bring in new leads
Once your podcast’s up and running and you have that “know, like and trust” you need to make sure your listeners know what services you offer. This podcast is part of your business plan after all!
Drop in every now and then what your business does and how you support people. But don’t be too salesy, just say things here and there that come naturally into the topic your episode is about
What Makes Great Podcast Artwork and How to Design It
Your podcast artwork is like an album cover. It’s a square image that you see when people find your podcast on apps such as Spotify or iTunes.
How Often Should You Release New Podcast Episodes
You’ve heard it a million times I know, but consistency is important when it comes to podcasting. By staying consistent your audience can rely on and trust you.
So, before you commit to a schedule, work out what works best for you.
What Day Should You Release New Podcast Episodes
I’ve heard so many people say that Mondays are the best day to release podcast episodes.
Numerous podcasts are released on a Monday, do you really want to be added to that list? If your ideal listener is already subscribed to the thousands of podcasts that are released every Monday, they may miss yours.
What Is the Best Length for a Podcast Episode
A podcast episode should be as long as it needs to be. The most important thing you need to think about before you start recording your episode is who your ideal listener is. Where will they be listening to your podcast?
The Best Calls to Action to Use in Your Podcast
A call to action, or CTA, is a marketing term which refers to scripts or phrases used to prompt your audience or listener to do something. To take a specific action.
Calls to action should always be at the end of your podcast episode, in your outro. It should be the last thing you ask your listener to do.
The Best Way to Structure Your Podcast Intro and Outro
Think of your podcast intro like an opening sequence to a TV show. An example might be from the show Friends. The main characters are dancing around with umbrellas along with the same music in each episode.
The same should be with your podcast intro, you have the same information and music at the beginning of each episode.
Solo Podcast or Guest Interviews Which Format Works Better
I get it. You’re in a room on your own, talking into a mic and not getting any immediate feedback. You’re wondering if what you’re talking about is actually any good.
I’ve had clients tell me that they got all fired up to record their first solo episode, but when it came to actually recording it, they just sat there feeling a bit awkward.
How to Identify the Best Niche for Your Podcast
I’m sure you’ve heard it all before, but it’s so important that you nail your niche before you even think about recording your podcast.