Podcast 1:1 Services

I offer a range of 1:1 services tailored to support podcasters at every stage of their journey. Whether you’re just getting started and need strategic guidance, looking to optimise and grow your existing podcast, or seeking ongoing management to keep your show consistent and engaging, I have the expertise to help. From quick strategy sessions to comprehensive audits and full podcast management packages, my services are designed to meet your unique needs and ensure your podcast thrives.

Podcast Launch Packages

Podcast Launch Packages

The Podcast Launch Package is perfect for you if you have a great podcast idea but need expert guidance to bring it to life. This comprehensive package provides everything you need to launch a polished, professional podcast that stands out and reaches your target audience. With personalised, step-by-step support, you’ll turn your podcasting dreams into reality without the stress and overwhelm.

Podcast Management Packages

Podcast Management Packages

Our Podcast Management Packages are ideal for you if you need support in maintaining a consistent, high-quality podcast while focusing on your core business. Designed to handle all the technical and administrative tasks, this package ensures your podcast stays engaging and aligned with your business goals. With our expert management, you’ll save time, reduce stress, and keep your podcast on track for growth.

Podcast Audit

Podcast Audit

The Podcast Audit is perfect for you if you want to uncover what’s holding your show back and implement tailored strategies for growth. Ideal if you’re struggling with stagnant downloads or low listener engagement, this package provides expert analysis and actionable feedback to help you optimise your content and connect with the right audience. With personalised insights, you’ll push your podcast to new heights and turn it into a powerful tool for your business.

Podcast Strategy Sprint

Podcast Strategy Sprint

The Podcast Strategy Sprint is a focused 30-minute session designed for you if you feel stuck or need quick, expert guidance to move forward. Whether you’re just starting out or struggling with growth, this session provides personalised advice and actionable steps to overcome challenges and fast-track your podcast’s success. Ideal for those who want clarity, confidence, and concrete strategies to elevate or start their podcast.

Podcast Success Stories

Belle Verdiglione

Belle Verdiglione Testimonial for Laura McRae

“If anyone is considering working with Laura, they absolutely have to do it. Jump right in, Laura will guide you through the whole process.”

Annmarie Lord

Annmarie Lord Testimonial for Laura McRae

“I highly recommend Laura to anyone who is wanting to create a successful podcast.”

Lei Lei Clavey

Lei Lei Clavey Testimonial for Laura McRae

“If you’re reading this and you find yourself hesitating about booking Laura’s podcast launch services, I strongly encourage you to take the plunge. It will undoubtedly set you up on the path to success!”



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Podcast Manager Program Certificate
Bame testimonial for Laura McRae Podcast Support Services
Podcast Manager Academy Certificate

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